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Aku cinta Produk Pepeng-Training-Outdoor activity-Tour Event dsb

Pensiunan yang satu ini yang banyak kita kenal bersama putranya : Mengelola Usaha www.startc.co

Yaitu itu berbagai produk :


*Training* :


  1. Motivation
  2. NLP Training Certification from NNLP (Neo NLP Society)  Indonesia
  3. Communication Skill
  4. Public Speaking
  5. Presentation Skill


  1. Training Of Trainer (TOT)
  2. Learning Design
  3. Selling Skill
  4. Negotiation Skill
  5. Service Excellent


  1. Leadership
  2. Creative  & Innovative Thinking
  3. Personality
  4. Tallent Mapping
  5. Coaching & Mentoring       Technique


  1. Quantum Touch for Paramedic
  2. Self Healing & Commitment
  3. Emotional Releasing
  4. Self Awareness
  5. Stress Management


  1. Hypnosis Certification
  2. Masa Persiapan Pensiun
  3. Community Development
  4. Outbound Team Building


  1. Bootcamp
  2. Walking Glass
  3. Fire Walking
  4. Fun Games


*Outdoor Activity* :


  1. Off Road
  2. Paintball
  3. Rafting (Arung Jeram)
  4. Archery (Memanah)
  5. Berkuda


*Tour & Event* :


  1. Gathering
  2. Outing
  3. Awarding
  4. Launching
  5. Meeting & Mice


*Multimedia* :


  1. Videography
  2. Photography
  3. Company Profile
  4. Product Promotion
  5. Jingle


*Training Kit* :


  1. Tas
  2. Block Note
  3. Name Tag
  4. Ballpoint
  5. Ceritificate


  1. Module
  2. Flashdisk
  3. Spanduk
  4. Backdrop


  1. Seragam (Kaos / Kemeja / Celana Training / Topi)



  1. Goody Bag


*_Improving You!_* Call & WA 0811231257 / 081220876535 (MAF/AF)-FR


Catatan : Bagi yang ikut Kampanye *Aku Produk PePeng / PensTel* akan diforward postingannya ke Fanspage FB BPTg (ada 3700 member) dan di Website P2tel serta di IG BPTg-2022

Yuuukkk *just do it* krn setelah Ramadhan perlu marketing !!!! (PS)-FR

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